(pindi news)rawandpindi mai karfiuo..tasadam say 10 ifrat jahbahaq or 35 ifrat zakhmi 10:pm past >/(karachi news)orangi matro sanima kay pass fairing say ek ifrat jahbahaq(5:00 pm)

Monday, 11 November 2013



The muharram is celebrated in the memory of martyrdom of Imam Hussain the grand son of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Imam Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) didn't acknowledge  Yazid as the commander . He was invited by the people koofa from Madina . On his way he and his handful men were surrounded by the cruel armies of yazaid in the desert of karbala . They were offered the choice either of  acknowledge yazid as the khalifa of the faithful or read to die the imakm & his followers chose the later 
     Consequently their water supply was cut off and after allord of torture they were killed on the 10th of the month of Muharram. The 1st 10 days of muharram are days of morning for all muslims . The shias especially pass these days in morning and hold sitting at night where the event of Martyrdom are related and diges are recited. Rich people cook food in big cauldrons and distribute among the poor.
  On the 10th of Muharram  tazias are taken out in small town but horses  in taken out in a morning procession in big cities. They are paraded through the city of whole day and then they are buried in karbala  of that city in the evening .The horse is covered with a white sheet of cloth with blood stains and the sword of the Imam hung by its side .Some of the mouners beat their backs, chests with small knives. so that blood begin to fellow.All the Muslims in general mourn over the tragic event and give charity to th poor.

1 comment:

  1. Above ticker is updated but not properly written. No need to mention the city name in the beginning .
